Impact of economic tourism policies on local communities

Economic tourism policies, designed to attract visitors and boost local economies, are a double-edged sword. On one side, they can

Techno-Medusa: A modern myth for the posthuman era

The global push to grant artificial intelligence citizenship is gaining traction, proposing that AI should be endowed with rights to

Neprican voice: Love, life, nostalgia and the pursuit of an American dream

I just love the word Neprican. It perfectly describes my state of being even though it is a word that

A lesson unlearned by Nepal following tragic 2015 Gorkha Earthquake

A research conducted by Dr Robinson at Durham University has revealed a change in the comprehension of seismic risk in

Nepal’s Whistleblower Protection Bill has flaws: What should be done?

Corruption has become a major concern for every country. In the context of Nepal, corruption has spread like an infectious

Monica Lohani

I want to spread happiness and optimism: Aaina Gajurel

Aaina Gajurel is the first runner up of Mrs Nepal 2023 organized by Ribbon Entertainment.

Youths for change

Kathmandu: Who is the future? Youth. Who will lead the future? They will. Youth these

Mrs Nepal World: “I see beauty in a woman who is emancipated and unapologetically herself”

Prithiviya Thapa recently bagged the title of Mrs Nepal World in an event organized by

A 16-year-old girl gets raped in menstrual shed in Nepal’s far-west

Kathmandu: A 16-year-old girl was reportedly raped in the menstrual hut in Panchadeval Binayak Municipality-2 

Nepal go back to traditional contraceptive practice

Kathmandu: Aaradhya*, who is in a managerial position in a corporate organization in Kathmandu, ‘accidentally’

Nepal’s future leaders are being groomed in a goonish way

Kathmandu: In October 2020, Prem Chalaune, an assistant professor of sociology at Tribhuvan University, was

Interview | Nepal is our home. When we want to return, don’t make us feel like second-class citizens.

Kathmandu: Portugal is one of the major destinations in Europe with a large number of

Kathmandu Mayor’s quest for cultural renaissance: How far can he go?

Kathmandu: Recently, the Kathmandu Metropolitan City approved a working procedure related to construction, under which