How the US immigration system is failing Bhutanese refugees

It is exhausting to hear some of my fellow countrymen echo political rhetoric with blanket statements like, “I don’t support

Monarchy or republic? Without budget credibility, neither will make lives better

Last few weeks, the media and the streets have been resonant with pro-monarchy voices. In response, some republican forces have

Persecuting Dalits in the name of religion

On March 20, 2081, houses of Dalit community were demolished in Aurahi Municipality-5, Siraha district of Madhesh Province of Nepal.

Nepal’s post-earthquake recovery: What the UN can do

I still remember the chaos of April 25, 2015. The ground beneath me trembled violently, buildings cracked like fragile shells,

Views from the ground: Why are locals protesting construction of cable car in Pathibhara?

A major dispute has erupted over the proposed cable car project at the famous Pathibhara Temple in Taplejung, Nepal. One

Film review |Why you must watch Rajagunj

Praveen Kumar Yadav

There are films that entertain, and then there are films that shake you. Deepak Rauniyar’s

Cold Sigh: Where a son meets the father who killed his mother

Sandhya Thapa

What happens when a son meets with a father who has killed his mother? How

Jeevanka Rangharu: A blend of humor, satire, and realism

Saurav Kiran Shrestha

The year 2024 was exciting for Nepali readers, with several books published by Nepali authors

Barsha Kunwar is Mrs Beauty Queen Nepal

The DMN News

Kathmandu: Barsha Kunwar has been crowned ‘Mrs Beauty Queen Nepal’ for Season 7. Kunwar, a

Surakshya Panta and Deependra Gauchan to judge 8th Nepal International Film Festival

The DMN News

Kathmandu: Director Deependra Gauchan and actress Surakshya Panta have been selected to be on the

Wong Kar-Wai: The poet of Hong Kong New Wave Cinema

Bimal Pratap Shah

Kathmandu hosted its inaugural “China Film Day” on January 9 at Chhaya Center (QFX Cinema),

China Film Day in Kathmandu attracts Nepali film artists, politicians and professionals

The DMN News

Kathmandu: A one-day event ‘China Film Day,’ organized by the Nepal Film and Cultural Academy

China Film Day to be organized in Kathmandu

The DMN News

Kathmandu: Kathmandu is hosting its first-ever ‘China Film Day’ at Chhaya Center (QFX Cinema), Thamel