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Young women as a rising force for change in politics

In recent years, young women in Nepal have emerged as a dynamic and influential force in the country’s political landscape. While Nepal has a long history of patriarchal structures, young women are now actively engaging in politics, advocating for gender equality and justice, and pushing for progressive reforms. This is a positive development and a good indication of creating a positive narrative at a time when the country is reeling under pessimism. Women’s interest and involvement in politics have shown the potential to reshape the future of Nepal’s politics, creating a more inclusive and diverse political environment.

Historical Context

In the past, Nepal’s political history has been marked by some major eras and incidents, including Rana rule, decades of monarchy, a decade-long Maoist war, and the subsequent transition to a federal democratic republic in 2008. Throughout these political shifts, women’s participation in politics remained marginal. Traditionally, politics was dominated by men. Multiple factors barred women from achieving success in politics. Despite the hardships, some women dared to challenge these norms and set examples. Societal norms and other traditional roles remained a major stumbling block for most women in entering politics. Furthermore, patriarchal values and a sense of male superiority discouraged women from actively engaging in leadership roles.

The introduction of the provision of gender inclusion in the 2015 Constitution, however, was a significant turning point for women’s participation in politics. This provision mandates that women must occupy at least 33% of all seats in parliament and local government bodies, creating opportunities for women, including young women, to enter politics.

Challenges Faced by Young Women

Despite constitutional safeguards, young women who aspire to become politicians continue to face numerous challenges. Societal expectations and traditional gender roles often impose barriers, as many families still prioritize domestic responsibilities for women over political ambitions. In rural areas, patriarchal attitudes are deeply ingrained, making it difficult for young women to break into the political sphere.

Additionally, political parties themselves are not always welcoming to female youth. Many young women have reported facing discrimination and a lack of support within party structures. They are often sidelined in favor of their male counterparts, making it difficult for them to rise through the ranks and hold influential positions.

Financial constraints are another hurdle for young women aspiring to enter politics. Campaigning in Nepal is often costly, and without sufficient financial backing, many female candidates struggle to gain visibility and voter support. This is especially true in rural and underdeveloped areas, where resources are limited.

Emerging Voices and Role Models

Despite these challenges, a new generation of young female leaders is making their mark on Nepali politics. Female politicians have been advocating for issues that resonate with youth, such as education, healthcare, employment, and equality.

Prominent young women, like Ranju Darshana, who gained national attention during the 2017 local elections, have inspired many other young women to enter the political arena. Although Darshana did not win, her campaign in Kathmandu showcased the potential of youth and women in Nepal’s political sphere, sparking a broader conversation about the need for political renewal in Nepal.

Young women have also been playing a crucial role in designing grassroots movements and leading civic engagements. They are organizing protests, advocating for legislative changes, and pressuring political leaders to address issues such as violence against women, economic disparity, and climate change. Through these efforts, they are gradually shifting the narrative around women’s participation in governance.

Role of Youth Organizations

Youth organizations mobilized by political parties, such as the Nepal Student Union, Young Communist League, and various women’s wings of political parties, have been instrumental in providing a platform for young women to engage in politics. These organizations help train young women in leadership, campaigning, and advocacy skills, preparing them for future roles in government.

Moreover, international organizations and nongovernmental organizations have also provided support through mentorship programs, funding, and advocacy campaigns to increase female youth participation. Such initiatives have encouraged young women to stand for local elections and take part in political dialogues.

A Promising Future

The rise of young women’s participation in politics indicates a more inclusive society in the years ahead. It also shows a positive shift towards a more inclusive and equitable political system. However, for this trend to continue and expand, structural changes are necessary.

Political parties must foster environments that support the political ambitions of young women, offering them more opportunities for leadership roles. Furthermore, additional resources should be allocated to support women in elections, especially in rural areas, where barriers are particularly high.

Increased representation of female youth in Nepal’s political landscape promises not only to address gender disparities but also to bring fresh perspectives to the table. By addressing issues like youth unemployment, climate change, and social justice, these young women leaders are poised to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of Nepal.


The growing involvement of female youth in politics in Nepal is a promising development for the country’s democratic future. Although challenges remain, young women are stepping forward as advocates for change, demanding equality and representation. Their perseverance in the face of societal and institutional barriers demonstrates their commitment to building a more just and inclusive Nepal. As more young women enter the political sphere, they will continue to inspire others and pave the way for a new era in Nepali politics.