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Publisher’s Note

What makes a democracy strong and vibrant? How can the media play the dual role of asking tough questions and proposing innovative solutions? How can we revitalize an aspirational and proactive civil society in Nepal that relentlessly advocates for human rights and the concerns of its citizens? We are excited to present one of the possible answers to these pressing questions.

Welcome to The DMN News, a trailblazing online portal poised to revolutionize the Nepali media landscape! We are a collective of passionate journalists and storytellers, both seasoned veterans and budding talents, united in our mission to set a new benchmark in an industry grappling with multiple crises.

Nepal’s media history is replete with instances of fearless journalism that have shaped the nation’s trajectory. From the pioneering efforts of journalists during the Rana regime to the courageous reporting during the People’s Movement of 1990, the 10-year-long conflict, and the 2006 movement for a federal republic, Nepali journalists have been at the forefront of the fight for democracy and freedom of expression. We, at The DMN News, are committed to carrying forward this proud legacy.

Our mission transcends mere information dissemination. We aim to fortify democracy, ensure accountability and transparency, promote good governance, champion free and fair media, and combat the scourge of misinformation. We firmly believe in the transformative power of journalism to catalyze positive change, and we are resolute in our commitment to being a catalyst for that change.

In the cacophony of media portals, what sets us apart is our unique structure. The DMN News is a non-profit media outlet helmed by the Democracy Media Network (DMN), with a board of directors comprising media persons themselves. Every member of our newsroom, from intrepid reporters to astute editors, assumes equal responsibility and takes ownership of our triumphs and challenges alike. We have dismantled the traditional hierarchical model, forging a platform where every member is an owner, reporter, manager, content creator, and stakeholder. Together, we rise to challenges, innovate fearlessly, and strive to deliver journalism of the highest caliber.

Our conviction in this model stems from our belief that it is precisely what Nepal needs. Despite the phenomenal growth in the number of media outlets, many promising ventures have faltered over time, buckling under economic pressures and investor expectations. We believe that committed journalists who prioritize their craft over profit are the key to sustaining journalism in the long run. This is why DMN News operates as a not-for-profit company.

Our ambition is to become Nepal’s first news platform that belongs not to an individual owner, but to you, our readers and journalists. We invite your support and feedback in making this audacious endeavor a resounding success. The DMN News is yours – we are the conduit to amplify your voices and to be the change you wish to see.

The lifeblood of our journalism is our unwavering commitment to certain non-negotiable principles. We are unabashedly biased towards democracy, press freedom, human rights, and development. These are our inviolable ethos, and we pledge to uphold these values to the fullest extent of our capabilities. We recognize that meeting readers’ expectations is an ever-evolving challenge, and imperfections are par for the course. Yet, despite our limited resources, we vow to always present our finest work to you.

If nothing else, we will ensure that we ask the tough questions and relentlessly pursue the right answers on your behalf. Join us on this tough yet important journey as we work tirelessly to strengthen democracy, promote transparency, and deliver journalism that informs, inspires, and empowers. Together, let us sculpt a media landscape that Nepal can be proud of, one that not only chronicles its history but also shapes its destiny.

Democracy Media Network