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French Embassy, DCIS organize a two-day International Seminar on Fighting Poaching and Wildlife Trafficking

Kathmandu: The French Embassy in Kathmandu and the French Directorate of International Security Cooperation (DCIS) organized a two-day International Seminar on the Fight Against Poaching and Wildlife Trafficking in Kathmandu on May 29-30, 2024. 

The seminar brought together participants from the Nepali Army, Nepal Police, Armed Police Force, Nepal’s Ministry of Forests and Environment, Nepal’s Office of the Attorney General, as well as representatives from Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, the Maldives, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, the USA, France’s Central Office for Coordinating Environmental and Public Health Crime (OCLAESP), French Customs and UNODC.

In her opening remarks, Leela Devaradjalou, Chargé d’Affaires a.i., thanked the government of Nepal for facilitating the organization of the seminar, and noted the importance of the cause, saying, “the level of participation from 13 countries clearly illustrates the need for such events” and that “the consequences of attacks on wildlife are immense and can be irreversible.”

Brigadier General Sanjay Deuja from the Nepali Army’s National Park and Wildlife Conservation Directorate highlighted the Nepali Army’s efforts in combating poaching in national parks. 

“The Nepali Army remains steadfast in its commitment to preserving our nation’s rich biodiversity and natural heritage. Our dedicated personnel work tirelessly to protect endangered species and from the plague of poaching and illegal wildlife trafficking,” he stated.

Fabrice Cotelle, Police Attaché for Nepal, concluded the seminar by stressing the need to consolidate the links forged over the last two days in order to fight environmental criminals more effectively.

The seminar, which was financially supported by the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs’ Security and Defence Cooperation Directorate (DCSD), provided a platform for participants to share their experiences, best practices on the field, and discuss collaborative strategies to combat poaching and wildlife trafficking effectively.

This seminar was organized as part of the Nepal-France Green Roadmap, a framework for cooperation between the two countries on environmental issues, which was adopted in 2023.