It is okay to ask about suicide

“Are you having suicidal thoughts?” – a not-so-controversial question charged with fear and hesitation. Many worry that asking this question

Why do mosquitoes bite you? Well, there is science behind it

Are you among those who often get mosquito bites? Or have any of your friends, family members or relatives been

Nature is the center of the Mandala: A truth that Nepal must embrace

Nepal’s 30.7 million souls are ensnared in a toxic embrace with air that grotesquely exceeds the World Health Organization’s (WHO)

Legal literacy for women: Why it is important, how it can be provided 

The Constitution of Nepal (2015) guarantees a wide range of basic rights, the most important of which are the rights

Unsafe Roads of Nepal 

Last Friday, August 23, a passenger bus carrying Indian pilgrims en route from Pokhara to Kathmandu veered off the road

Four Maoist ministers resign from Karnali province government

Surkhet: Four ministers representing the CPN Maoist Center in the provincial government of Karnali have resigned from their posts. 

They tendered their resignation to Chief Minister Yamlal Kandel on Monday. 

Those resigning from their post include Social Development Minister Bir Bahadur Shahi, Economic Affairs and Planning Minister Mahendra KC, Minister for Industry, Tourism, Forests and Environment Dirgha Rawat, and Water Resources and Energy Development Minister Rana Singh Pariyar.