Impact of economic tourism policies on local communities

Economic tourism policies, designed to attract visitors and boost local economies, are a double-edged sword. On one side, they can

Techno-Medusa: A modern myth for the posthuman era

The global push to grant artificial intelligence citizenship is gaining traction, proposing that AI should be endowed with rights to

Neprican voice: Love, life, nostalgia and the pursuit of an American dream

I just love the word Neprican. It perfectly describes my state of being even though it is a word that

A lesson unlearned by Nepal following tragic 2015 Gorkha Earthquake

A research conducted by Dr Robinson at Durham University has revealed a change in the comprehension of seismic risk in

Nepal’s Whistleblower Protection Bill has flaws: What should be done?

Corruption has become a major concern for every country. In the context of Nepal, corruption has spread like an infectious

Nine Karnataka trekkers die in Uttarakhand after expedition hit by bad weather


Uttarkashi (Uttarakhand) [India], June 6 (ANI): Nine trekkers from Karnataka, out of a team of

India’s Modi readies for third term after securing coalition


NEW DELHI, June 6, 2024 (AFP) – Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was preparing Thursday

At least 70 confirmed dead in Gaza’s Jabalia camp after Israeli army’s withdrawal


GAZA, May 31 (Xinhua): At least 70 Palestinians were found dead on Friday in northern

Day after sending ‘poop’ filled balloons to S Korea, North Korea fires missiles into Sea of Japan


Seoul [South Korea]/ Washington DC [US], May 30 (ANI): North Korea has fired a clutch

At least 18 dead across Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri and Kansas in severe storms


Washington, DC [US], May 27 (ANI): Severe storms over the weekend led to the deaths

NASA launches ground-breaking climate change satellite


Washington: A tiny NASA satellite was launched Saturday from New Zealand with the mission of

Rohingya activists say thousands displaced by Myanmar armed group


Rohingya activists accused a Myanmar ethnic armed group on Wednesday of displacing thousands of the

No signs of helicopter’s occupants being alive, says Red Crescent

The DMN News

Iranian President Raisi and the officials accompanying him are feared dead after the Red Crescent