Impact of economic tourism policies on local communities

Economic tourism policies, designed to attract visitors and boost local economies, are a double-edged sword. On one side, they can

Techno-Medusa: A modern myth for the posthuman era

The global push to grant artificial intelligence citizenship is gaining traction, proposing that AI should be endowed with rights to

Neprican voice: Love, life, nostalgia and the pursuit of an American dream

I just love the word Neprican. It perfectly describes my state of being even though it is a word that

A lesson unlearned by Nepal following tragic 2015 Gorkha Earthquake

A research conducted by Dr Robinson at Durham University has revealed a change in the comprehension of seismic risk in

Nepal’s Whistleblower Protection Bill has flaws: What should be done?

Corruption has become a major concern for every country. In the context of Nepal, corruption has spread like an infectious

Why Kailash Sirohiya’s arrest is unjust

Praveen Kumar Yadav

Five days have passed since Kailash Sirohiya, publisher of Kantipur Publications, was unjustly arrested. The

How climate change is a ‘poly-crisis’

Sudeep Uprety

Climate change is posing an enormous challenge to socio-economic and environmental wellbeing, globally. The Climate

Remembering Dr Govinda Rizal

Ram Karki

Today (May 18) is the 13th day of the tragic death of my beloved friend

Prospects and pathways in Nepal-India relations

C Raja Mohan

I am an Indian citizen talking about our bilateral relationship to Nepal’s foreign policy community

Publisher’s Note

The DMN News

What makes a democracy strong and vibrant? How can the media play the dual role

Editorial | How not to let Nepali democracy backslide

The DMN News

Nepali democracy is suffering at the hands of those who are entrusted to uphold it. 

A tale of sorrow in the country of ‘Gross National Happiness’

Ram Karki

Bhutan expelled tens of thousands of Nepali-speaking population through an ethnic cleansing act after they

Will air pollution mask international cricket’s prospects in Kathmandu? 

Niraj Shrestha

On May 1, during the third T20 match of West Indies A side’s historic tour