Impact of economic tourism policies on local communities

Economic tourism policies, designed to attract visitors and boost local economies, are a double-edged sword. On one side, they can

Techno-Medusa: A modern myth for the posthuman era

The global push to grant artificial intelligence citizenship is gaining traction, proposing that AI should be endowed with rights to

Neprican voice: Love, life, nostalgia and the pursuit of an American dream

I just love the word Neprican. It perfectly describes my state of being even though it is a word that

A lesson unlearned by Nepal following tragic 2015 Gorkha Earthquake

A research conducted by Dr Robinson at Durham University has revealed a change in the comprehension of seismic risk in

Nepal’s Whistleblower Protection Bill has flaws: What should be done?

Corruption has become a major concern for every country. In the context of Nepal, corruption has spread like an infectious

World Environment Day | Engaging children and youth in climate justice agenda

Spriha Shrestha

Climate change has recently taken center stage in global discussions, amid frequent instances of extreme

World Environment Day 2024: Follow laws, sacred texts, conventions and cultural practices

Jivesh Jha

It would not be unjust to say that Nepal is good at enactment of laws

Fellow Nepalis, happy World Cup!

Niraj Shrestha

Today we play our first match against the Netherlands in the ninth edition of the

China should respect freedom of speech of Nepali people

Randhir Chaudhary

Last Monday, Gajendra Budhathoki, a reputed Nepali journalist, wrote a post on his personal social

Leveraging right to information to combat corruption

Tara Bahadur Bhandari

Corruption permeates every facet of Nepali society, as evidenced by Transparency International’s Report 2023, which

Why Nepali Congress should lead in enhancing democratic values and principles

The DMN News

Kathmandu: Commitment to the democratic values and norms does not come from any kind of

Reviving Nepal’s agricultural economy

The DMN News

Till date, Nepal’s agricultural sector remains a crucial part of the national economy in terms

Essay | How should Nepal deal with China and India?

Suresh Sharma

In the seventies, the economic power of Nepal and China was somehow similar. But in