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International community lauds passage of transitional justice bill by Nepal parliament

Ambassadors of the US, EU, Finland and Australia have called the TRC bill Nepal-led, Nepal-owned and victim centric.

Kathmandu:  Representatives of the United States of America, European Union and other Western countries in Kathmandu have welcomed the passage of transitional justice bill by the House of Representatives of federal parliament. Their endorsement of the bill, which rights defenders claim is not victim centric, has been seen as a meaningful gesture from the international community.

The House of Representatives of federal parliament on Wednesday had endorsed the bill to amend the Enforced Disappearances Enquiry, Truth and Reconciliation Commission Act by a majority vote.

“Congratulations to Nepal and Nepali people for this historic achievement: passing Nepal led & owned, victim centric TRC Bill by the House of Representatives,” wrote EU ambassador to Nepal Veronique Lorenzo soon after the bill was endorsed by parliament, adding that the EU “welcomes this achievement and reiterates its commitment for full support in its implementation.”  Similarly, the US ambassador to Nepal Dean R Thompson also lauded the passage of the bill. “Pleased to see the transitional justice bill passed by the House of Representatives today. Congratulations to the people of Nepal,” the ambassador wrote. “This is a meaningful moment in Nepal’s journey to shaping its own peaceful, prosperous, resilient, and democratic future.”

Riina-Riikka Heikka, Finnish ambassador to Nepal, also congratulated Nepal and Nepali people “for the success on transitional justice legislation – focusing on a Nepal led, Nepal owned and victim centered process.” “A truly important and valuable step,” she wrote.

Australian ambassador to Nepal, Felicity Volk, has been reiterating Australia’s support for Nepal’s peace process and congratulating all leaders on progress for the TRC Bill in her farewell call with Nepali leaders.